22 Tháng Tư 20245:35 CH(Xem: 32)
Nguồn: Internet Thánh Gioan John Vianney và quyền năng của Áo Đức Bà Mầu Nâu.
22 Tháng Tư 20245:32 CH(Xem: 39)
Năm 2004, tôi đã dịch và viết nhiều sách trong năm này. Một trong những tác phẩm mà tôi đã dịch và sưu tầm có tên là 50 Tuần Cửu Nhật Gõ Cửa Thiên Đàng. Sau đây là bản dịch mà tôi đã cố gắng dịch thuật, bản chính ở phía dưới bằng tiếng Anh là từ Cố LM Don Dolindo Ruotolo. Ngài là một nhà thần bí người Ý. Những lời cầu này là do Chúa Giêsu ban cho Cố LM...
18 Tháng Tư 20249:08 CH(Xem: 66)
Nguồn: Childrenofmedjugorje.com Cố LM Don Dolindo có những cảm nghiệm rất hay. Khi còn nhỏ, ngài chịu nhiều sự bách hại và khổ đau. Bằng cách nào mà ngài đã cố gắng ngửng đầu cao lên khỏi bể nước và luôn vui vẻ? Chúa Thánh Thần đã khơi nguồn cảm hứng cho ngài với lời cầu nguyện đơn sơ như sau:
18 Tháng Tư 20248:35 CH(Xem: 54)
Nguồn: Childrenofmedjugorje.com Lúc gần đây có nhiều người biết đến hiện tượng: "Padre Pio of Naples", đó là điều mô tả về cố linh mục Don Dolindo Ruotolo. Ngài qua đời vào năm 1970, chỉ hai năm sau khi Padre Pio qua đời vào năm 1968. Ngài đang làm việc một cách hữu hiệu từ Thiên Đàng. Ngài an ủi, dỗ dành, chữa lành cho rất nhiều người khỏi chứng bịnh lo âu,
18 Tháng Tư 20247:58 CH(Xem: 43)
Nguồn: Childrenofmedjugorje.com Có một gương sáng lớn nhất, đó là chính Chúa Giêsu. Kẻ dữ độc ác đã đóng đinh Chúa Giêsu, Con Chí Thánh của Chúa Cha ở trên cây thánh giá. Lúc đó, Satan nghĩ rằng hắn đã chiến thắng. Nhưng sự thật thì trái lại. Đó là bởi vì Chúa đã biến đổi sự dữ ấy thành sự thiện.
18 Tháng Tư 20243:58 CH(Xem: 52)
Nguồn: Childrenofmedjugorje.com Sr. Emmanuel viết: Có một phụ nữ gõ cửa nhà tôi. Trông cô ấy thật là quá đau khổ, xuống sắc và thiểu não. Đôi mắt, đôi má và cái miệng của cô trông rất là buồn thảm và héo hắt. Cô bắt đầu kể lể về mọi nỗi thống khổ của mình.
17 Tháng Tư 20249:07 CH(Xem: 49)
https://luisapiccarreta.com/other-category/cristina-montella-sister-rita-of-the-holy-spirit-the-little-girl-of-padre-pio/ 1. Thời thơ ấu Nữ tu Cristina Montella được sinh ra tại vùng Cercola (Naples) vào ngày 3/4/1920. Khi cô bé được 2 tuổi, cô đang ở chơi nhà một người cô thì nhìn thấy một bức hình của Thánh Gerard Majella,
17 Tháng Tư 20244:44 CH(Xem: 51)
Đức Mẹ Guadalupe hiện ra ở Tepeyac, Mexico City, nước Mễ Tây Cơ từ ngày 9/12/1531 đến ngày 12/12/1531 và chữa lành rất nhiều người, dù rằng người ta đã chết nhưng vẫn được Mẹ cho sống lại.
17 Tháng Tư 20241:58 CH(Xem: 43)
Tồi vừa được xem một video clip tiếng Anh ngắn. Cậu bé chừng 6 tuổi mơ thấy mình lên Thiên Đàng. Sáng hôm sau, cậu kể câu chyện mẹ mình: -Mẹ ơi, con gặp một người chị của con ở Thiên Đàng. -Ủa, con chỉ có một người chị ở đây thôi mà.
13 Tháng Tư 20249:23 CH(Xem: 64)
Cảm nghiệm của một thanh niên làm nghề taxi: Con gặp khó khăn trong việc làm nên con quyết định làm nghề tài xế taxi.

The Prayers The Novena in Honor of Jesus as True King

26 Tháng Mười 20185:20 CH(Xem: 4597)

sh10The Prayers: The Novena in Honor of Jesus as True King

This simple Novena is a most generous gift from Our Lord. Jesus gave these extraordinary promises to His servant:

My little one, every time you say the prayers I taught you in connection with My image as ‘Jesus, King of All Nations’, I promise that I will convert ten sinners, bring ten souls into the One True Faith, release ten souls from Purgatory and be less severe in My Judgment of your nation, the United States of America. My little one, this not only applies to your nation, but also all other nations. My child, each time you say these prayers, I will mitigate the severity of the chastisements upon your country.” (Journal 41).

The Novena consists of praying once a day over a period of nine days a set of one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be, recited along with the following Novena Prayer:

O Lord our God, You alone are the Most Holy King and Ruler of all nations. We pray to You, Lord, in the great expectation of receiving from You, O Divine King, Mercy, peace, justice and all good things.

Protect, O Lord our King, our families and the land of our birth. Guard us, we pray, Most Faithful One! Protect us from our enemies and from Your Just Judgment.

Forgive us, O Sovereign King, our sins against You. Jesus, You are a King of Mercy. We have deserved Your Just Judgment. Have mercy on us, Lord, and forgive us. We trust in Your Great Mercy.

O most awe-inspiring King, we bow before You and pray; may Your Reign, Your Kingdom, be recognized on earth! Amen.

Read here how to obtain the full story of Jesus King of All Nations and His medal and all of the messages, prayers and promises including a Novena to Him, His Novena of Communions, His Chaplet of Unity, His Litany and Consecration to Mary, Mediatrix of all Grace.

Read here how to obtain the booklet An Hour of Prayer for Life, Peace and Protection with Jesus King of All Nations.

Novena of Holy Communions

This Novena consists of offering nine consecutive Holy Communions in honor of Jesus King of All Nations. Jesus said, “I desire that the faithful souls who embrace this devotion to Me… make a Novena of Holy Communions. They therefore shall offer me nine (9) consecutive Holy Communions, and go to Confession during this Novena, if possible, in honor of Me as ‘Jesus, King of All Nations’.” (Journal 220).

Jesus indicated that by “consecutive”, He meant nine Communions, uninterrupted, one after another, that the souls would receive. They need not be on nine calendar days in a row, just each Communion received, one after the other.

The powerful and unprecedented effects of this Novena were shown to Jesus’ “servant” in a vision. She saw Jesus gazing up to Heaven. Nine times He gave a command and an angel came to earth. Jesus explained: “My daughter, for those souls who will offer me [this] devotion I will bid an angel of each of the Nine Choirs, one with each Holy Communion, to guard this soul for the rest of its life on this earth.”

Jesus wants us to pray the Novena for others, and explains its necessity at this time: “This Novena may be prayed with its promises for another soul, and that soul will also receive additional angelic protection. I urge My faithful ones to offer Me this Novena again and again so that I may continue to send down My holy Angels for the protection and assistance of other souls who cannot do this for themselves. In the end-times the power of the enemy has greatly increased. I see how greatly My children are in need of My protection.”

In His great generosity, Jesus granted that, in addition to the angelic protection, one may have a separate, unrelated intention for this Novena. He promised: “What they ask for in this Novena, if it be according to My Most Holy Will, I will surely grant it. Let these souls ask from Me without reservation.”

Read here how to obtain the full story of Jesus King of All Nations and His medal and all of the messages, prayers and promises including a Novena to Him, His Novena of Communions, His Chaplet of Unity, His Litany and Consecration to Mary, Mediatrix of all Grace.

Read here how to obtain the booklet An Hour of Prayer for Life, Peace and Protection with Jesus King of All Nations.

The Chaplet of Unity

The Chaplet of Unity is a series of prayers recited on ordinary rosary beads. Jesus said, “I promise to give this Chaplet of Unity great power over My Wounded Sacred Heart when prayed with faith and confidence to heal the brokenness of My peoples’ lives…” (Journal 47).

The Daily Intentions for the Chaplet of Unity, given by Our Lord, are directly below the Chaplet of Unity.

Recite on the large bead before each of the five decades:

God our Heavenly Father, through Your Son Jesus, our Victim-High Priest, True Prophet, and Sovereign King, pour forth the power of Your Holy Spirit upon us and open our hearts. In Your great mercy, through the Motherly mediation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Queen, forgive our sinfulness, heal our brokenness, and renew our hearts in the faith, and peace, and love, and joy of Your Kingdom, that we may be one in You.

Recite on the ten small beads of each of the five decades:

In Your great mercy, forgive our sinfulness, heal our brokenness, and renew our hearts, that we may be one in You.

Conclude the Chaplet with the following prayers:

Hear, O Israel! The Lord Our God is One God!

O Jesus, King of All Nations, may Your Reign be recognized on earth!

Mary, Our Mother and Mediatrix of All Grace, pray and intercede for us your children!

St. Michael, Great Prince and Guardian of your people, come with the Holy Angels and Saints and protect us! Amen

Read here how you may obtain the full story of Jesus King of All Nations and His medal and all of the messages, prayers and promises including a Novena to Him, His Novena of Communions, His Chaplet of Unity, His Litany and Consecration to Mary, Mediatrix of all Grace.

Read here how you may obtain the booklet An Hour of Prayer for Life, Peace and Protection with Jesus King of All Nations.

Jesus said, “Yes, in this devotion to Me as Jesus, King of All Nations, entreat My Kingly Heart with the prayer of this Chaplet of Unity that I Myself, Your Sovereign Lord Jesus Christ, have given you! Pray and ask for the spiritual wholeness and the healing of your own souls, for the union of your own will with God’s Will, for the healing of your families, friends, enemies, relationships, religious orders, communities, countries, nations, the world, and unity within My Church under the Holy Father! I shall grant many spiritual, physical, emotional, and psychological healings for those who pray this prayer if it is beneficial to their salvation according to My Holy Will! Unity and oneness in Spirit was My Own prayer for all mankind and My Church as My own last testament before I gave My life as Savior of all mankind! As I am One with My Father and the Holy Spirit, My Will is all that mankind be one in Me, so that one Faith, one Fold, and one Shepherd will be gathered together under My Sovereign Kingship as Lord.”

I, Jesus, Son of the Most High God… promise to hold out to the souls who pray My Chaplet of Unity the Scepter of My Kingship and grant them mercy, pardon, and protection in times of severe weather and plagues. I extend this promise not only for yourselves, but also for individuals for whom you pray. Any harm or danger, spiritual or physical, whether it be to soul, mind or body, will I protect these souls against, and clothe them over with My Own mantle of Kingly Mercy.”

The Chaplet of Unity may also be prayed as a Novena, nine times in succession. This can be done at one time, hourly or daily. Jesus said, “Make a Novena to Me of the Chaplet of Unity and I will powerfully and expediently answer your prayers according to My Sovereign and Most Holy Will!

Our Lord: "My daughter, as My Most Holy Church enters the month dedicated to Mary, My Holy Mother, I come again to teach you seven intentions, one for each day of the week, for which I ask you to offer My Chaplet of Unity. After making the general intention I have already taught you, you are to add the particular intention I am about to give you.

We begin, My little one, with Sunday.
On this day dedicated to the Lord, your God, I ask that you pray for My Holy Church upon earth, the Church Militant and in particular for My Vicar, the Pope, all cardinals, bishops and priests, that together with the faithful they may be one in Me as I AM One with the Father and the Holy Spirit. "I am in my Father and you are in me and I in you." (John 14:20) My Spouse, the Church is wounded by the many sins of disunity arising from pride, selfish desires and a great lack of charity. The enemy seeks anew to destroy My Spotless Bride. He shall not prevail! Pray fervently My Chaplet for this intention on Sundays. Every chaplet you offer Me on this day is to be for this intention. "He taught me, and said to me: "Let your heart hold fast my words:" (Proverbs 4:4)

On Mondays, My little one, I desire that you pray My Chaplet of Unity for the Poor Souls in Purgatory, the Church Suffering. Pray for their relief and deliverance, that they may soon come into My Kingdom and reign with Me eternally. "Let us enter into his dwelling, let us worship at his footstool." (Psalm 132:7) Show them great charity as they depend upon your prayers.

On Tuesdays, My child, you are to offer My Chaplet for those who promote My devotion of Jesus, King of All Nations. These souls are most special in My sight and to them I will give to know the secrets of My Love in a particular way in Heaven. They will share intimately in the glory of My Kingship. Joy shall be theirs as they witness the subjection of all My enemies. They shall reign with Me, their King and Lord forever. "Rise up in splendor! Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you." (Isaiah 60:1) I will return. My blessing to you and to those you love."

On Wednesdays My child, form the intention of pleading for My Kingly Mercy for all those afflicted in these latter days with hopelessness. These souls are overcome in mind, body and soul by the darkness that presently envelops the world. The darkness of sin engulfs the nations. Materialism and self-seeking deafen souls to My Voice and blinds their eyes from seeing the Light of Truth. I AM Truth! I AM the Light! I AM the Way for all souls, all nations to follow. Pray that this great number of souls may not yield to the temptation to despair.

On Thursdays, My little one, offer My Chaplet of Unity for greater devotion to Me, the King of All Nations, in the Holy Eucharist. The Light which enlightens the world of souls, which enlightens the nations, streams forth from the Holy Eucharist. I AM among you! It is I! Come to Me. This is the day upon which I instituted the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Pray that souls will worship Me in this Most Excellent Sacrament! Where there is adoration of My Real Presence, graces abound! "For thus says the Lord to me: I will quietly look on from where I dwell, Like the glowing heat of sunshine, like a cloud of dew at harvest time." (Isaiah 18:4) Love Me in My Sacrament of Love!

On Fridays, My child, offer My Chaplet of Unity for true repentance of sin in all souls. Let souls seek and obtain My Great Mercy through the forgiveness of their sins in the holy Sacrament of Confession. "Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners." (Mark 2:17) This is the day on which I gave My Life for the salvation of all. May My Passion and Death be no more in vain for a number of souls. Behold! The King of Glory hanging upon a cross! All of His Divine beauty is marred, hidden. All for love of you, My children.

Finally, little one, offer My Chaplet of Unity on Saturdays for the proclamation of the dogma of Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces and Co-redemptrix. My Holy Mother will receive this honor from My Church. It is My Will. So it shall be. "these things are recorded in the chronicle of his pontificate," (1 Maccabees 16:24) This dogma is to be a great light for the nations and usher in the Era of Peace. The enemy is furious at the prospect of this dogma and is ferociously fighting to prevent it. Legions of demons have been assigned the task of destroying this work, so much do they fear Mary, the Woman of Revelation. The gates of hell shall not prevail against My Holy Will. Amen, amen so I say, so it shall be. For I AM, the Eternal One, the Only One, the Lord of all." "They will fight with the Lamb, but the Lamb will conquer them, for he Lord of lords and king of kings, and those with him are called, chosen, and faithful." (Revelation 17:14) My blessing to you."

[Editor’s note: These are general intentions and do not replace the individual's personal intentions held within their heart for which they would offer the chaplet. Our Lord pours out tremendous graces in the power of His Holy Spirit through this Chaplet of Unity.

Please note in the intention for Fridays that our Lord has added a reference to the Sacrament of Confession with a confirming scripture.]

Consecration to Mary Mediatrix of All Grace

Jesus asks those who embrace this devotion to consecrate themselves to His mother under her title as “Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace.” His servant recorded Jesus’ words:

My beloved little daughter, your Lord and God comes to you to give you a message of great importance. I desire that the souls who embrace My devotion to ‘Jesus King of All Nations,’ make a special consecration to My Most Holy Mother under her title of ‘Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace,’ which it has pleased Me in My Great Love for her to give her. People MUST acknowledge her indispensable role as the Mediatrix, the Channel, of all of My Grace to mankind. Only when this dogma is officially proclaimed by My Church will I truly establish My Reign on earth.” (Journal 239).

Our Lady then appeared next to Our Lord and said: “Daughter, know that I have obtained this prayer for my children from the Heart of my Divine Son.”

Jesus then revealed the Prayer of Consecration to Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace:

O Mary, Most Holy and Immaculate Mother of God, of Jesus, our Victim-High Priest, True Prophet, and Sovereign King, I come to you as the Mediatrix of All Grace, for that is truly what you are. O Fountain of all Grace! O Fairest of Roses! Most Pure Spring! Unsullied Channel of all of God’s Grace! Receive me, Most Holy Mother! Present me and my every need to the Most Holy Trinity! That having been made pure and holy in His Sight through your hands, they may return to me, through you, as graces and blessing. I give and consecrate myself to you, Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace, that Jesus, Our One True Mediator, Who is the King of All Nations, may Reign in every heart. Amen.

Jesus also gave this beautiful message:

My children, I desire only your peace and happiness! My Most Holy Mother has appealed to you time and time again! She still pleads… Children, listen to your Heavenly Mother. Is there a more tender or loving ambassadress then My own mother? You see, My children, if I had come to you in My Power and Majesty before this, before My Most Holy Mother had come to you in great tenderness and meekness, you would not have been able to handle it for fear. The times have arrived, My children. Your Lord comes to you with great Power and Majesty. My Most Holy Mother has prepared My Way with the greatest of care. My children, you owe much, very much, to your Heavenly Mother.

Read here how to obtain the full story of Jesus King of All Nations and His medal and all of the messages, prayers and promises including a Novena to Him, His Novena of Communions, His Chaplet of Unity, His Litany and Consecration to Mary, Mediatrix of all Grace.

Read here how to obtain the booklet An Hour of Prayer for Life, Peace and Protection with Jesus King of All Nations.

Litany in Honor of Jesus King of All Nations

Jesus told His servant, “I promise… that whosoever shall recite this Litany of Mine shall die in My arms with My smile upon them. I, Myself, will appear to these souls as ‘King of All Nations’ before their death.” (Journal 283).

The litany responses are indicated by the letter “R” and are made after each invocation.

The following then is the Litany in honor of Jesus, King of All Nations.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.

R – Have Mercy on Us.

God, our Heavenly Father, Who has made firm for all ages your Son’s Throne,

God the Son, Jesus, our Victim-High Priest, True Prophet, and Sovereign King,

God the Holy Spirit, poured out upon us with abundant newness,

Holy Trinity, Three Persons yet One God in the Beauty of Your Eternal Unity.

R- Reign in Our Hearts.

O Jesus, our Eternal King,

O Jesus, Most Merciful King,

O Jesus, extending to us the Golden Scepter of Your Mercy,

O Jesus, in Whose Great Mercy we have been given the Sacrament of Confession,

O Jesus, Loving King Who offers us Your Healing Grace,

O Jesus, our Eucharistic King,

O Jesus, the King foretold by the prophets,

O Jesus, King of Heaven and earth,

O Jesus, King and Ruler of All Nations,

O Jesus, Delight of the Heavenly Court,

O Jesus, King Most Compassionate toward Your subjects,

O Jesus, King from Whom proceeds all authority,

O Jesus, in whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, we are One,

O Jesus, King Whose Kingdom is not of this world,

O Jesus, King Whose Sacred Heart burns with Love for all of mankind,

O Jesus, King Who is the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega,

O Jesus, King Who has given us Mary, the Queen, to be our dear Mother,

O Jesus, King Who will come upon the clouds of Heaven with Power and Great Glory,

O Jesus, King Whose Throne we are to approach with confidence,

O Jesus, King truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament,

O Jesus, King Who made Mary the Mediatrix of All Graces,

O Jesus, King Who made Mary Co-Redemptrix, Your partner in the Plan of Salvation,

O Jesus, King Who desires to heal us of all division and disunity,

O Jesus, King wounded by mankind’s indifference,

O Jesus, King Who gives us the balm of Your Love with which to console Your Wounded Heart,

O Jesus, King Who is the Great I AM within us, our Wellspring of Pure Delight,

R – May we serve You.

Jesus, King of All Nations, True Sovereign of all earthly powers,

Jesus, King of All Nations, subjecting under Your feet forever the powers of hell,

Jesus, King of All Nations, the Light beyond all light, enlightening us in the darkness that surrounds us,

Jesus, King of All Nations, Whose Mercy is so Great as to mitigate the punishments our sins deserve,

Jesus, King of All Nations, recognized by the Magi as the True King,

Jesus, King of All Nations, the Only Remedy for a world so ill,

Jesus, King of All Nations, Who blesses with Peace those souls and nations that acknowledge You as True King,

Jesus, King of All Nations, Who Mercifully sends us Your Holy Angels to protect us,

Jesus, King of All Nations, whose Chief Prince is St. Michael the Archangel,

Jesus, King of All Nations, Who teaches us that to reign is to serve,

Jesus, King of All Nations, Just Judge Who will separate the wicked from the good,

Jesus, King of All Nations, before Whom every knee shall bend,

Jesus, King of All Nations, Whose Dominion is an everlasting Dominion,

Jesus, King of All Nations, Lamb Who will Shepherd us,

Jesus, King of All Nations, Who after having destroyed every sovereignty, authority and power, will hand over the Kingdom to Your God and Father,

Jesus, King of All Nations, Whose Reign is without end,

Jesus, King of All Nations, whose kindness toward us is steadfast, and whose fidelity endures forever,

R – We praise and thank You.

Eternal Father, Who has given us Your Only Begotten Son, to be our Redeemer, One True Mediator, and Sovereign King,

Loving Jesus, Sovereign King, Who humbled Yourself for Love of us and took the form of a servant,

Holy Spirit, Third Person of the Trinity, Love of the Father and the Son, Who sanctifies us and gives us Life,

Mary, our Queen and Mother, who mediates to Jesus on our behalf,

R – Pray for us.

Mary, our Queen and Mother, through whom all Graces, come to us,

R – Pray for us.

Mary, our Queen and Mother, Singular Jewel of the Holy Trinity,

R – We love you.

Holy Angels and Saints of our Divine King,

R – Pray for us and Protect us.

The Special Blessing

The Special Blessing of Jesus King of All Nations was revealed by Our Lady when she appeared to His servant’s “spiritual mother” holding the Child Jesus in her arms. The Child was plucking roses one by one from His Sacred Heart, kissing them, and holding them to His Mother’s lips. Our Lady kissed each rose, took it from Jesus’ hands, touched it to her heart, then gave it to the “spiritual mother” who placed each rose within Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart. From there the roses were distributed to peoples of all nations for all time – billions upon billions of roses. The roses are the graces of the Special Blessing, and the passing of the graces from Jesus to Mary to her children illustrates Our Lady’s role as Mediatrix of All Grace.

To Give the Special Blessing:

The Special Blessing may be passed on by anyone to others in person or at a distance in prayer. If in person, place your hands on the person’s head with your right thumb on his/her forehead. If at a distance, hold your hands over, or in the direction of, the person or group and pray:

May the Reign of Jesus King of All Nations be recognized in your heart;

May the Reign of Jesus King of All Nations be lived in your heart;

May the Reign of Jesus King of All Nations be given through your heart to other hearts;

So that the Reign of Jesus King of All Nations may be lived in every heart all over the world.

I ask this Special Blessing through Our Lady, Mediatrix of All Grace, who as Queen and Mother of All Nations, has obtained it for you as a tremendous grace from the Sacred Heart of her Divine Son, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Make the sign of the cross on the person’s forehead with your thumb, or make the sign of the cross with your hand in his/her direction.

The gifts of the Special Blessing are the gift of receiving, understanding, and living Jesus’ Word in Scripture; the gifts of intimacy with Jesus, Mary, and souls as partners in the Body of Christ; and the gift of knowing the secrets of God’s love. The Blessing also grants healing and brings unity to the Body of Christ.

Jesus wants everyone to receive the graces of this kingly Special Blessing. Pray it for your family, your friends, your priests, the lost, the sick, the dying – everyone who is in need of God’s mercy.

Read here how to obtain the full story of Jesus King of All Nations and His medal and all of the messages, prayers and promises including a Novena to Him, His Novena of Communions, His Chaplet of Unity, His Litany and Consecration to Mary, Mediatrix of all Grace.

Read here how to obtain the booklet An Hour of Prayer for Life, Peace and Protection with Jesus King of All Nations.

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